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26 August 2019


Naturally Supporting your Journey from Conception to Family Life ​


Our resident Naturopath, Herbalist and Nutritionist, Emma Povey, is returning to host the second in her series of educational seminars, focusing on supporting the pregnancy journey from pre-conception to post-birth.


  • The importance of pre-conception health care and how this is true preventative medicine for our future generations.

  • How we can naturally support those with infertility issues (for example, recurrent miscarriage, low progesterone, endometriosis, PCOS, PID, poor sperm parameters, unexplained infertility).

  • How we can support those needing IVF.

  • General pregnancy health care, including:

o   identifying and supporting common nutritional deficiencies 

o   dietary needs

o   avoiding toxins

o   weight/stress support

o   supporting the gut microbiome and why it is so important.

o   naturally and safely addressing common complaints (for example, morning sickness, constipation, reflux, cramps, diabetes and high blood pressure).

  • Birth preparation – preparing your body for birth with specific herbs and nutrients.

  • Post-natal care for mum and baby:

o   Mum – fatigue, depression, post-natal depletion, poor milk supply

o   Baby – unsettled, colic, reflux, constipation, eczema.


Wednesday, 18 September 2019 / 6:30 - 8pm / Milton Family Medical Practice / $15


To book you place, please contact Emma on 0488 218 607 (note, bookings are essential as places are limited).


Also keep an ear out for upcoming seminars, which will cover understanding your hormones, gut health, stress support and much more!





Pregnant Woman in Nature

26 July 2019


Meet our Medical Student, Megan Pate!


Milton Family Medical Practice is committed to training the doctors

of tomorrow as an accredited teaching practice for the University of

Wollongong. All members of our Practice will enjoy the opportunity to

pass on their skills and knowledge and are committed to providing a

high-quality training experience for students in a safe and friendly

working environment.


Megan Pate, a third-year medical students from the University will be attached to our Practice during her academic year, starting in late July 2019.


Megan hails from Melbourne and has previously studied both Medical and Forensic Sciences in Australia and overseas. In her spare time she enjoys travel, surfing, diving and kite surfing.

Megan will work in conjunction with the doctors in the Practice as a valuable part of her postgraduate training.


As a patient, you will be informed beforehand and asked for your consent to have Megan participate during consults with your usual GP.


If you do not wish a student to participate in your consultation, please advise your GP or Reception so that you can see your GP alone. Your cooperation in this area is important and much appreciated by students and GPs alike.

Go Team

19 July 2019


A Naturopathic Approach to Children's Health Care


Please join us for the first in a series of educational seminars offered by Emma Povey, our resident Naturopath, Herbalist and Nutritionist.


  • Learn how to keep your kids healthy with a wholesome, balanced diet

  • Identify common nutritional deficiencies

  • What foods to avoid

  • Lunchbox ideas

  • Tips for fussy eaters

  • Immune and gut support


Monday, 5 August / 7 - 8:30pm / Milton Family Medical Practice / $15


To book you place, please contact Emma on 0488 218 607 (note, bookings are essential as places are limited).


Also keep an ear out for upcoming seminars, which will cover pregnancy healthcare, pre-conception health care, understanding your hormones, gut health, stress support and much more.





Happy Children

4 July 2019


We now offer cosmetic therapies!


Milton Family Medical Practice & South Coast Skin Cancer Clinic is excited to announce that we 

now offer Dermapen skin needling (also known as microneedling) to treat a variety of skin problems.


As people age, their skin cells’ natural production of collagen and elastin diminishes, which can result in sagging and loose skin, wrinkles and fine line.


Dermapen skin needling is an innovative rejuvenation therapy which stimulates production of collagen and elastin for healthier, smoother and more youthful-looking skin. Basically the microneedling technique allows the skin to destroy old, damaged tissue and replace it with freshly produced collagen.


Dermapen skin needling helps skin to repair itself from damage such as cuts, scars (including from acne) and other physical damage, for example loose or wrinkling skin, fine lines, hyperpigmentation, stretch marks, burns, dilated pores and even alopecia.


This treatment is suitable for all the skin types and tones and is not restricted to the face. There is minimal discomfort involved in the process.


RegenLap PRP Tissue Regeneration and Repair is a therapy which can assist in the regeneration and revitalisation of damaged skin (including certain types of alopecia), the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles, and improvement of the skin’s texture, tone and appearance.


The procedure involves the collection of blood from you in small tubes which are then centrifuged for 5-10 minutes. This isolates the PRP (or Platelet Rich Plasma) which is then applied by injection back into your skin. Following the procedure, patients are generally able to resume normal activity almost immediately.


The procedure is well-tolerated, safe and causes minimal to no pain (topical anaesthetic is used on injection sites). Results are also long-lasting (up to 18 months).


Book an appointment soon to learn more about what we can do for you!

Old Lady

28 June 2019


Did you know that a team of our doctors and nurses recently attended the 9th Australasian Skin Cancer Congress?


The annual Australasian Skin Cancer Congress is the biggest annual event in skin cancer medicine in the Australasian region. It delivers current, practical, real-world information for primary care skin cancer professionals.


Milton Family Medical Practice & South Coast Skin Cancer Clinic is one-hundred per cent committed to remaining on the cutting-edge of best practice and current research and as such, our whole skin clinic team (doctors and nurses) attended this year’s Congress.


Please don’t hesitate to book in your annual skin check or skin assessment with us now.


24 June 2019


Are you expecting?


If so, CONGRATULATIONS!!! And you really need to know that we offer all mums-and-dads-to-be a series of private, Midwife-led Childbirth Education classes on Wednesday evenings at Milton Family Medical Practice.


If you are expecting a baby and live in the Milton Ulladulla region, you are most welcome to come along to this relaxed and informative group to learn more about your upcoming birth, and what’s involved in breastfeeding and the early days of parenting.


Places are limited so please call us to reserve your place now!


Furthermore, our Midwife, Tegan Griffiths, is also a certified Lactation Consultant available for private lactation consultations at Milton Family Medical Practice (as well as for your baby’s scheduled immunisations, regular well-baby checks and measurements, and general early days information and support).


Please book in to see us soon. We can’t wait to share your pregnancy and parenting journey with you!

Pregnant Woman in Nature

21 June 2019


Did you know that just last year the Shoalhaven was identified by the Cancer Council NSW as one of the top 25 Melanoma hot-spots in NSW?




Did you know that you are at more risk of developing skin cancer if you have:

  • Excessive exposure to UV radiation from sunlight. 

  • Family history of skin cancer

  • Light skin which burns easily 

  • Lots of moles on your body

  • Chemical exposure, for example industrial oils, solvents, arsenic and pesticides

  • Been taking long term medication which suppresses your immune system

  • A smoking history

  • Previously had skin cancer

  • Certain genetic disorders.


Our skin doctors have access to the latest technology in skin-mapping, including total body photography.

We use “MoleMax HD” for keeping digital imaging records of your moles and also total body photography. The special camera allows up to 30 X magnification and looks through the top layers of the skin when analysing a mole and stores the images on its database.


This technology enables us to detect subtle changes in moles and new moles be identified over time leading to early detection of melanoma and therefore a better chance of cure.


Winter is an excellent time to go for a skin check so please don’t hesitate to book in your annual skin check or skin assessment with us now.


Dermatology Consultation

Call us on 4454 4555 to make an appointment

© Milton Family Medical Practice 2017

    by Bondi Websites

Milton Family Medical Practice

and South Coast Skin Cancer Clinic

141-145 Princes Hwy, Milton NSW 2538
Ph:   (02) 4454 4555

Fax:  (02) 4454 3812

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